What is 4-H Honor Club?
The 4-H Honor Club is organized statewide and provides recognition, primarily within counties, of junior high 4-H members who have demonstrated consistent leadership ability and have been active members in their clubs and communities. Tennessee 4-H Honor Club is one of three recognition levels that an outstanding 4-H member may achieve during their 4-H career. 4-H Honor Club membership is granted to those 4-H’ers who have shown exceptional 4-H project work and a willingness to share what they have learned with other 4-H’ers as a junior or teen leader.
How Do I Join 4-H Honor Club?
Fill out an application and earn points by:
- Participating– complete your 4-H projects; make presentations; prepare exhibits; and attend 4-H events
- Be a leader — help other 4-H’ers with their project work; serve in a leadership role with a group of younger 4-H’ers at an event or your club; conduct a 4-H promotional activity
- Be a good citizen — perform service activities in your community
- Write a paragraph about your most rewarding experience as a 4-H junior or teen leader
Who Can Join 4-H Honor Club?
Honor Club is for junior high (6th, 7th and 8th graders) and senior (9th, 10th, 11th and 12th graders) 4-H’ers who have been active members of their local clubs.
Monroe County 4-H Honor Club has monthly meetings for fun with fellow 4-H ‘ers and service projects!
Contact Greg or Morgan for more info!